Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofasical Release Benefits

Myofacial Release is a technique used to help relief pain. In 90% of our Physical Therapy patients we are seeing improvement in pain with as little as one treatment of myofasical release.

What is fascia: fascia is found in every body. It is like the covering/casing that is common when we eat hot dogs or sausage. Your body has fascia that covers the muscles under the skin. Facial restrictions become a problem with injury and dysfunction. As a pain becomes more severe our bodies use facial bands to help the body compensate and stay out of pain. These bands if left for too long, can cause severe weakness and over time restrict proper movement causing a person to lose function and mobility.

Benefits of Myofasical Release Therapy: While working with our clients in Physical Therapy we are finding Myofascial release to be a major component to healing and pain relief. By working to see where the root cause of the pain is coming from, we have found greater success in our treatments with the use of MFR in conjunction with other manual therapy techniques.

Who Benefits from myofascial release: Anyone who has myofasical bands that are keeping there muscles from moving and contracting as they should. Pain is usually an indicator that something is wrong. Our therapists are trained on Manual techniques to help you fell better FAST and reduce unneccessary surgeries and medications that have harmful side effects.

To learn more about myofasical release and if you would benefit from this technique call us today. 513-874-8800.

Can seeing a Physical Therapist first save me money?

Can seeing a Physical Therapist first save me money?

The answer is “YES”

At Stretch Physical Therapy & Total Wellness we are saving people money everyday. How? It’s easy: Call our office at 513-874-8800, we can typically see you within 24 hours. We will perform a comprehensive exam on the pain you are experiencing. We will let you know immediately if you need to see your doctor for possible xrays. If you have pain that is re-producible then we can get you started on decreasing your pain as soon as your first visit. Saving you time and money, you don’t have to see your doctor then come to see a PT.

Fall Prevention

Are your parents as Risk for Falls? Here are some simple tests!

  • Can they stand with their feet together for greater than 10 seconds without holding on?
  • Can they stand Tandem ( one foot in front of the other) for greater than 10 seconds without holding on?
  • Can they stand on 1 leg without the use of their hands?

If you answered no to the above questions, then they are at risk for a fall this year! Falls can be prevented.

  • 1 out of 3 people age 65 WILL FALL THIS YEAR!
  • 1 out of 2 people age 80 or older WILL FALL THIS YEAR!
  • If you have fallen, you will fall again within the next 6 months unless you correct the problem.
  • Females are at greater risk of falling.

Information taken from CDC web site

Why is balance so important?



We Can Help!

We offer 2 programs at our clinic.

  • Post Fall Physical Therapy
  • In Home Fall Prevention Program

For those who want to continue to achieve results to prevent falls we offer private pay programs that are One on one with with our Fall Prevention Specialist 2-3x/week. This program will build on the foundation that you gained in Physical Therapy and help you to continue to build strength, balance and flexibilty.

Have difficulty with Transportation and wish to have one of our fall prevention coordinators come to you? We offer Fall Prevention at your home in West Chester and Fairfield areas currently.

Our current patients have NOT fallen since starting our program. With this program we are helping clients stay at home and not have to move into assisted living facilities! Saving families thousands of dollars a month!

Stop the falls TODAY, don’t let a fall cause you/or your parents to lose their independence.

Call Now 513-874-8800 !

Kim Nartker PTA, owner of Stretch Physiacal Therapy & Total Wellness

Having worked with seniors for 15+ years, she has experianced a gap with seniors in the area of falls. Seeing a need for fall prevention she developed a fall prevention program. Currently Physical Therapy is the only option offered to our community after a fall. Kim has seen that Physical therapy alone is not a complete solution. Physical Therapy focuses on getting a senior back to where they were before they fell. What about what caused the fall? Can’t we prevent future falls?

With those questions in mind, Kim developed a fall prevention program at Stretch Physical Therapy and Total Wellness. Kim reports “with our one on one fall prevention services we have seen a huge reduction in falls.” We have also benefited the spouses of our clients, as they are able to discuss their caregiver concerns with other caregivers at our facility. We have also been able to help clients stay home and not move into an assisted living facilities. This has helped our clients save money monthly on costly assisted living facilities that do not prevent falls!

Our Fall Prevention Coordinators are trained by Kim and our Physical Therapist. They follow an evidence based care model that has been proven to reduce the risk of falls.

Yoga vs Stretching

Should I attend a yoga class to improve my flexibility?

I am getting more complaints from patients that are coming in for shoulder pain and back pain after being told by their doctor to start Yoga.

Flexibility is one of the 4 recommended components of a well rounded exercise routine as you age. Although most of us jump right into a yoga class thinking that there are no precautions. My clinic is seeing a lot of injuries from large group yoga classes. Now dont let me scare you, many people that start a yoga routine are not injured. But I often am asked by those that are, “How can I gain the flexibility that I need without the risk of injury”?

Well, that is actually a great question. Our bodies change as we age. Our muscles are not as strong as they were when we were younger. Our joints dont have the synovial fluid that it used to. Causing us to require stretching to maintain proper mobility. Most of us work at professions that require sitting over a long period of time, thus, causing poor posture that increases our risk for injuries. So back to my patients question.

We recommend a stretching class. One that is instructed by a professional that understands each persons deficits and knows when a client is at risk for an injury. We have started Stretching classes at our facility in West Chester Township Ohio to help people improve their flexibility without the risk of injury. Our classes focus on total body stretching working towards yoga poses and getting our clients into a more high level Yoga class. It is important to start in a small group setting to understand how your body should feel with the proper stretching and make sure that you are not putting yourself at risk for an injury.

If you have any questions on how you should stretch and avoid injury, call us today for more information. (513) 874-8800!

Happy Stretching!

Back and Hip Pain

Back and Hip pain that limits you from walking.

Are you having pain in your back/leg or hip when walking long distances?

Back pain and hip pain are the top 2 reasons that people reach out to our clinic for physical therapy. We are seeing an increase in back and hip pain with patients over 40. Our patients report: pain down the leg, and in the back causing them to limit there walking and running activities. We are also seeing patients that have been misdiagnosed with nerve pain and bursitits when infact they have a rotated pelvis that has caused hip joint tightness. Over time the tightness of the joint and restricted movement has caused a build up of myofascial bands from above the hip down the leg that causes weakness in the muscles around the hips.

Is there a need for surgery? No, we are seeing releif with in 3 treatments. Our focus is on improving the joint mobility, re alignment of the pelvis and Myofascial release to the facia that is restricting the movement.

Benefits of reaching out to a Physical Therapist are: Save time and money. We do not require a prescription for treatmen and are able to figure out the problem, then work to resolve the pain and fix the problem. This will allow your body to heal itself without pricy testing, time off work and painful side effects with long term use of medications.

Do you feel like you have this pain and want to get relief? Call us today 513-874-8800.